The Mystery Phone Call

The other day, I was preparing for my friend Jonny to come over for a sleepover whilst my parents were at work. I think it was Tuesday when he came over.. but anyway, he arrived at my house. So yeah... when he got here, we immediately played on my XBOX.
Yesterday, the phone rang at about early evening. As I went down and looked at the phone number, it appeared that I had never actually seen this number before. But my mum usually tells me to pick up the phone anyway whenever she's away. After all, I'm 2 months old....
So I picked it up, and I was greeted by a male's very heavy northern accent. It was so heavy, I couldn't even recognise what they were saying. Jonny was curious about the call, and even asked if he could have a listen to see if he could recognise the speech himself. Seeing as I couldn't translate it anyway, I carelessly passed over the phone to him.
I took a few steps away from Jonny as he held the phone, becoming paranoid for no reason.
Jonny: ''"Wait, who is this?"''
Caller: *''*''
Jonny: "''What the hell are you talking about?"''
Caller: *....''*''
Then all of a sudden, Jonny brought up wide stare on his face, before slamming the phone down so hard, it almost knocked off the phone stand off the table. He quickly slipped out his iPhone and searched up something. He seemed anxious and hurried. As he was busily tapping away, I slowly shuffled towards him to see what he was looking for. Then he just faced his phone towards me with a black page with an article on the screen. Then he said...


What...the ...fuck? Boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Me and my younger brother just sat there, looking at the computer screen. We were both sweating from the build up, but were unimpressed.
Well, that was a shi- GREAT story...
''Originally uploaded to Spinpasta Wikia by SkywardLinkSword. Added to Trollpasta Wikia by I, Da Cashman.''